Translate your project
Upload pictures to Picpaw
Deal with special texts
Deal with bubbles
Deal with special bubbles

Registration/Account Settings/Password Reset

  • Register

    • Register

      • Click "Register" in the upper right corner of the homepage.
      • Enter a user name (6-30 characters in an alphanumeric sequence), a valid email address and password (6-30 characters in an alphanumeric sequence). Then click "Register Now".
    • Login

      1. Enter the registered email address and corresponding password to log in to your account. If you want to keep in touch, please check "Remember me." and then click "Log in now".
  • Reset password

    • Click "Forgot your password?" to access the password reset page.
    • Enter your registered email address and click "Reset Password". You will receive an email from the specified address with instructions on how to reset your password. After that, you can log in to your account with the new password.
  • Account Settings

    • In "My Dashboard," click the "Settings" tab in the drop-down menu below your profile picture.
    • On this page, you can make modifications, such as changing your username and password, upgrading to a premium account, and changing your profile photo.

New project/New folder/Manage pictures

  • New project

    • On my desktop, click "Upload Picture" in the upper right corner.
    • Click "Select the picture to upload". You can upload a single image or a .zip file. The quantity must meet the maximum quantity allowed for each package (see package for details). Click "Save" to complete the upload.
    • On my desktop, you can now see the new item. You can click the pencil icon next to the item title to edit the item's information, such as title and cover.
  • New folder

    • You can create a folder to manage various projects. Enter a name for the folder and click "Save".
    • You can create new items in a folder, move existing items into a folder, or move items out of a folder.
  • Delete item

    • Click the three-dot icon on the item to open the drop-down menu. Select "Delete". Once deleted, the project cannot be restored.
    • Only empty folders can be deleted.
  • Manage pictures

    • Click "Edit" on the project to reorder or delete existing images or upload more images to the project.

Select translation location/Erase original picture/Translate text/Adjust display

  • About Picpaw interface

    • On the left, you can view and switch pictures of the project. In the middle is the picture being edited. On the right, you will see an overview of the source and target texts.
  • About translation tools

    • Frame selection: Use the cursor to select the rectangular frame around the source text to be translated. Click the green check mark to confirm the location. Click the red trash can to discard the location.
    • Erase: Use the cursor to operate the pink eraser tool and erase the original text. To change the size of the eraser, just slide the slider. Select "Reset" to reset the selected location to its original state. Select "Undo" to undo the latest edit to the location. Choosing "Zoom" can effectively clean the tiniest details. After cleaning, click "Next" to continue translation.
    • Translation: When OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology scans the text, the original picture will be displayed at the top. You can manually edit the text by double-clicking the text box or the "Correct" button. Click "Translate" to use machine translation to translate the text into the target language (set the target language in the upper right corner). You can also enter your own translation manually.
    • Adjustment: You can use tools to adjust the format, change the font, size and color, bold or italic text, change the alignment, etc. The color picker tool can be used to adjust the color of the translation and the original text. The first slider adds a black or white outline to the text. The second slider adds a shadow (black or white) to the text. Finally, by clicking and dragging, you can manually arrange the order of the framed translation positions in the right column.
    • Preview: Click "Preview" to preview the final result. It will show the progress after the latest save.
    • Save: Press "Save", or click ctrl + S or cmd + S to save the project.

Share or download items

  • Share item

    • Clicking "Share" will generate a unique QR code and link, which you can share with others. Those who have the code or link will be able to view the project.
  • Download item

    • Your project can be downloaded in two formats: picture or text. Selecting "Pictures" will provide you with a .zip file containing all the pictures in the project. Selecting "Text" will provide you with an .xls file containing all the source and target texts of the project (which can be viewed in the right column). After preparing the file, you can click "Download Now" to save the file to your computer.